Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai nodrošinātu viskvalitatīvāko pieredzi

Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai piedāvātu Tev vislabāko pieredzi. Ar to palīdzību mēs spējam piedāvāt tieši to informāciju par mūsu produktiem un pakalpojumiem, kuru Tu vēlies redzēt. Ja Tu dod savu piekrišanu sīkfailu izmantošanai, nospied pogu “Apstiprinu sīkfailus”. Ja vēlies koriģēt sīkfailu iestatījumus, klikšķini uz pogas “Mainīt sīkfailus”. Tavi apstiprinātie sīkfaili tiks saglabāti 90 dienas. Uzziniet vairāk par sīkfailiem

Lūdzu, atlasi un apstiprini savus personīgos sīkfailu iestatījumus:

Obligātie sīkfaili ir nepieciešami tīmekļa vietnes sekmīgai funkcionalitātei. Tos nav iespējams izslēgt, jo bez tiem tīmekļa vietne nedarbosies korekti.

Marketinga sīkfaili tiek izmantoti, lai piegādātu lietotājiem personīgi pielāgotus ziņojumus un reklāmas. Tas ļauj lietotājiem piedalīties dažādās kampaņās. Atsakoties saņemt personalizētas reklāmas, joprojām ir iespējams apmeklēt tīmekļa vietni, bet jāņem vērā, ka tajā redzamās reklāmas var nebūt atbilstošanas Tavām interesēm.

Analītiskie sīkfaili tiek izmantoti, lai apkopotu datus par tīmekļa vietnes izmantošanu, kā piemēram, apmeklētāju skaitu, pārlūkošanas paradumiem un citu informāciju, kas nepieciešama tīmekļa vietnes veiktspējas uzlabošanai. Ar statistiskajiem sīkfailiem, kas apkopo anonīmus datus, tiek gūts ieskats par to, kā apmeklētāji piekļūst tīmekļa vietnei un kā to izmanto.

Primend is Microsoft Partner of the Year 2016 in Estonia

Autors: Toomas Mõttus Datums: 02.02.2016

Primend is proud to announce that we have won the 2016 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year award for Estonia. Primend was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. It is the second time Primend has been awarded, making it the first time in Estonia that a company has been named Microsoft Country Partner of the Year second time in a row.

partner of the year

Primend’s services’ manager Tõnis accepting the award at 2015 WPC with Phil Sorgen

The Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Awards honor partners at the country level that have demonstrated business excellence in delivering Microsoft solutions to multiple customers over the past year. This award recognizes Primend as succeeding in effective engagement with its local Microsoft office while showcasing innovation and business impact, driving customer satisfaction, and winning new customers.
Awards were presented in several categories, with winners chosen from a set of more than 2,500 entrants from 119 countries worldwide. Primend was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services, as well as representing excellent subsidiary engagement in Estonia.
“We are honored to recognize Primend of Estonia as a Microsoft Country Partner of the Year,” said Gavriella Schuster, general manager, Worldwide Partner Group, Microsoft Corp. “Primend is a prime example of the excellent talent we see in our Microsoft partner community to deliver innovative and transformative solutions.”
The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions over the past year.

partner of the year winner

Primend is Microsoft Partner of the Year in Estonia

Primend is very honored to be recognized as Microsoft Country Partner of the Year for the second year in a row. Working together with Microsoft has enabled us to provide our customers with top class cloud solutions that help them achieve their business goals and increase productivity. Primend is focused on offering only the best IT-solutions and teaming with Microsoft has enabled us to do so.

Primend thanks everyone who made this big acknowledgement possible!

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