Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai nodrošinātu viskvalitatīvāko pieredzi

Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai piedāvātu Tev vislabāko pieredzi. Ar to palīdzību mēs spējam piedāvāt tieši to informāciju par mūsu produktiem un pakalpojumiem, kuru Tu vēlies redzēt. Ja Tu dod savu piekrišanu sīkfailu izmantošanai, nospied pogu “Apstiprinu sīkfailus”. Ja vēlies koriģēt sīkfailu iestatījumus, klikšķini uz pogas “Mainīt sīkfailus”. Tavi apstiprinātie sīkfaili tiks saglabāti 90 dienas. Uzziniet vairāk par sīkfailiem

Lūdzu, atlasi un apstiprini savus personīgos sīkfailu iestatījumus:

Obligātie sīkfaili ir nepieciešami tīmekļa vietnes sekmīgai funkcionalitātei. Tos nav iespējams izslēgt, jo bez tiem tīmekļa vietne nedarbosies korekti.

Marketinga sīkfaili tiek izmantoti, lai piegādātu lietotājiem personīgi pielāgotus ziņojumus un reklāmas. Tas ļauj lietotājiem piedalīties dažādās kampaņās. Atsakoties saņemt personalizētas reklāmas, joprojām ir iespējams apmeklēt tīmekļa vietni, bet jāņem vērā, ka tajā redzamās reklāmas var nebūt atbilstošanas Tavām interesēm.

Analītiskie sīkfaili tiek izmantoti, lai apkopotu datus par tīmekļa vietnes izmantošanu, kā piemēram, apmeklētāju skaitu, pārlūkošanas paradumiem un citu informāciju, kas nepieciešama tīmekļa vietnes veiktspējas uzlabošanai. Ar statistiskajiem sīkfailiem, kas apkopo anonīmus datus, tiek gūts ieskats par to, kā apmeklētāji piekļūst tīmekļa vietnei un kā to izmanto.

Dace's journey with Primend | 4 years

This is Dace, and she is about to hit her 4-year mark with Primend in October. Starting as a Business Development Manager, now oversees sales and customer success in Latvia. Here’s a little story about Dace. 

Dace RostokaMy career path has been quite the adventure
Initially, it was a "one-man-show", as I was performing various roles, including the areas of public relations and internal communication. The wide spectrum of work responsibilities helped me to acquire diverse competences and delve into the specifics of various fields. The knowledge and experience gained at that time is a valuable contribution for my current position – working in team management. In addition, team leading allows me to work on development and improvement of both, myself and others.

Transitioning from the automotive industry to IT was intentional – I craved new challenges and opportunities for personal growth. Joining Primend, a startup at the time, allowed me to shape my work environment and explore a field that intrigued me. By now I have about 20 years of experience in Sales & Marketing Management. 

Direct and precise communication is my secret sauce
Building and maintaining trust is key in our line of work. Whether it's with clients or colleagues, fostering positive relationships through transparent communication ensures we deliver on our promises.

I read a lot
My book collection ranges from sales and marketing to motivation and time management. Understanding how people think and behave helps me tailor my approach and drive positive change.

I love to learn
Recently, I delved into digital consulting in Istanbul and Dubai, exploring the philosophy of Suicai—a fascinating concept that examines how individuals think and interact based on their date of birth. Next on my learning agenda? Perhaps diving deeper into human design or even pursuing a psychology degree. I'm also keen on refining my singing skills and reclaiming my title as the "karaoke queen"! 

How does one become a successful Sales Manager?
A successful Sales Manager is someone who listens keenly to the market and develops strategies with structure and discipline. Adaptability and a knack for spotting opportunities for change are also crucial.