Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai nodrošinātu viskvalitatīvāko pieredzi

Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai piedāvātu Tev vislabāko pieredzi. Ar to palīdzību mēs spējam piedāvāt tieši to informāciju par mūsu produktiem un pakalpojumiem, kuru Tu vēlies redzēt. Ja Tu dod savu piekrišanu sīkfailu izmantošanai, nospied pogu “Apstiprinu sīkfailus”. Ja vēlies koriģēt sīkfailu iestatījumus, klikšķini uz pogas “Mainīt sīkfailus”. Tavi apstiprinātie sīkfaili tiks saglabāti 90 dienas. Uzziniet vairāk par sīkfailiem

Lūdzu, atlasi un apstiprini savus personīgos sīkfailu iestatījumus:

Obligātie sīkfaili ir nepieciešami tīmekļa vietnes sekmīgai funkcionalitātei. Tos nav iespējams izslēgt, jo bez tiem tīmekļa vietne nedarbosies korekti.

Marketinga sīkfaili tiek izmantoti, lai piegādātu lietotājiem personīgi pielāgotus ziņojumus un reklāmas. Tas ļauj lietotājiem piedalīties dažādās kampaņās. Atsakoties saņemt personalizētas reklāmas, joprojām ir iespējams apmeklēt tīmekļa vietni, bet jāņem vērā, ka tajā redzamās reklāmas var nebūt atbilstošanas Tavām interesēm.

Analītiskie sīkfaili tiek izmantoti, lai apkopotu datus par tīmekļa vietnes izmantošanu, kā piemēram, apmeklētāju skaitu, pārlūkošanas paradumiem un citu informāciju, kas nepieciešama tīmekļa vietnes veiktspējas uzlabošanai. Ar statistiskajiem sīkfailiem, kas apkopo anonīmus datus, tiek gūts ieskats par to, kā apmeklētāji piekļūst tīmekļa vietnei un kā to izmanto.

Joosep's journey with Primend | 3 years

This year marks the third year at Primend for our Head of Sales Joosep. Join us in reading about his journey with Primend.

How did you find your way to Primend? 

A few years ago, two companies, Primend and Iteraction, merged, and I was a shareholder in the latter for many years. This is how I found my way to Primend. The merger was built on our shared value: "Together is Better." It seemed that Iteraction and Primend shared a remarkably similar business vision and culture, each having something valuable to offer the other. As a shareholder, one of my motivators was the prospect of having six partners with diverse skill sets working alongside me every day. After three years, I can proudly say that the merger has been exceptionally successful, and everything has gone as planned.

Joosep TruuWhat's your role?

In Primend, my primary role is to act as the "glue" that keeps teams collaborating effectively towards common goals. I extract the best ideas, package them, and guide the team in the right direction. Our team consists of independent and capable individuals, so my task is mainly to support, inspire, and ensure everyone can take necessary breaks. It brings me great joy to see how, through effective leadership, people can overcome fears and change habits, achieving even more than anyone could have expected. The biggest professional achievement is that, in the last three years, we have grown Primend's size by 2.5 times (from 40 to 100 employees!), maintaining strong collaboration models and systems that enable us to take the next growth leap.

Life beyond the office...

After an intense workday, I unwind by engaging in outdoor sports, whether it's cycling, running, or skiing. I also enjoy group activities with friends, such as board games. However, my greatest joy comes from spending time with my family, exploring hiking trails, and traveling together.

What are the three most important qualities that an employee experience specialist should have?

For me, the qualities of a successful sales manager include:

  • The ability to systematically manage time.
  • Courage to overcome unfounded fears.
  • Solution-oriented mindset and the ability to simplify complex matters.
  • A collaborative approach with both clients and the team.

An important lesson I've learned is that people are generally good-hearted. If you treat others well, you receive the same in return. Not every battle needs to be won, and making compromises ultimately leads to more victories.